Donna McGrath, former NIH Molecular Biologist, was invited to The White House under Ronald Reagan for her ground-breaking work on sickle-cell anemia, which was featured in TIME, Newsweek, API, UPI, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The New England Journal of Medicine.
Following her life-altering 1994 Journey to Enlightenment experience, in which the Light of God revealed the “cure for all dis-eases” to her, and revealed prophetic scenes regarding the history of the planet (which all have come true, including… The Blizzard of 1996, Hurricane Floyd, 9/11, Falling of the Stock Market, The Indonesian Tidal Wave, rising oil prices, the China Earthquake, the current American Economic Depression, and future prophecies, she was gifted with clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience and the ability to perform long distance healing miracles.